21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 12

The Law of Empowerment - (Click title for notes)

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 11

The Law of The Inner Circle - (Click for Notes)

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 10

Lesson 10 - The Law of Connection

Leaders Touch a Heart Before They Ask for a Hand

The ability to "connect" with people is essential to strong leadership.

You can't move people to action unless you first move
them with emotion. The heart comes before the head.

All great communicators have one thing in common... they ____________ with people.
Connecting with people is the ____________ responsibility.

How to Connect with People:

(1) Connect with ________________________.

(2) Share with ________________________ and ________________________.

(3) Live your ________________________.

(4) Know your ________________________.

(5) Communicate on ________________________ level.

(6) Give ________________________ totally to the people and the message.

(7) ________________________ totally in the people and the message.

(8) Share how the message has touched ________________________.

(9) Offer ________________________ and ________________________.

On Boss's Day in 1994, a full-page ad appeared in USA Today. It was
contracted and paid for by the employees of Southwest Airlines, and
was addressed to Herb Kelleher, the company's CEO.

"Thanks Herb,

 For remembering every one of our names.
For supporting the Ronald McDonald House.
For helping load baggage on Thanksgiving.
For giving everyone a kiss (and we mean everyone).
For listening.
For running the only profitable major airline.
For singing at our holiday party.
For singing only once a year.
For letting us wear shorts and sneakers to work.
For golfing at the LUV Classic with only one club.
For out-talking Sam Donaldson.
For riding your Harley Davidson into Southwest Headquarters.
For being a friend, not just a boss.
Happy Boss's Day from Each One of Your 16,000 Employees."


How well do I connect with others in the following areas?
     A. Speaking
     B. Conversation
     C. Small Group Meeting
     D. Board Meetings

Proverbs 16:15 - "Good-tempered leaders invigorate lives; they're like spring rain and sunshine"
- The Message

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 9

Lesson 9 - The Law of Magnetism

Who You Are Is Who You Attract

Write down the top 3 qualities in people that you would like to attract to your organization.




"A Team should be the extension of the coach's personality. My teams were arrogant and obnoxious." - Al McGuire
Key Areas of Attraction:

(1) ________________________

(2) ________________________

(3) ________________________

(4) ________________________

(5) ________________________

(6) ________________________


(1) Does our Mission Statement reflect who we are or who we want to be?

(2) Are there changes I need to make to attract qualities that I do not possess?

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 8

Lesson 8 - The Law of Intuition

Leaders Evaluate Everything with a Leadership Bias

"Who you are determines what you see."

Leaders are _________________... They Read and Respond

They Read and Sense...

(1) ______________________________

(2) ______________________________
(3) ______________________________
(4) ______________________________
(5) ______________________________
(6) ______________________________
(7) ______________________________
(8) ______________________________

* A ____________ knows an opportunity when its __________
  A ____________ knows an opportunity when its __________

Proverbs 29:4 -
"A leader of good judgement gives stability; an exploiting leader leaves a trail of waste."
- The Message


(1) Do I continue to get "Blindsided" by people and events around me?
(2) Do others think ahead better than I do?
(3) If so, who are they?
(4) Do I rely on others to help me with their intuitiveness?

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 7

Lesson 7 - The Law of Respect:

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 6

Lesson 6 - The Law of Solid Ground:

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 5

Lesson 5 - The Law of E.F. Hutton:

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 4

Lesson 4 - The Law of Navigation:

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 3

Lesson 3 - The Law of Process:

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 2

Lesson 2 - The Law of Influence:

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - Lesson 1

Lesson 1 - The Law of the Lid: (Click Title for Notes)


1 Life Your Choice exists to help others experience the “abundant life” Christ came to give by focusing one’s Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.

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