Class 5

At the risk of sounding redundant, we had a great night last night! While we were down a little in attendance, the conversation and discussions were still captivating. We started off reviewing chapters 4 & 5, with discussion naturally flowing to our goals (what they are and how we are planning on achieving them). We then turned to the rest of our "homework" and had people read their Self Evaluations. This was a great time of really seeing how others see themselves - very interesting.

I hope all of you are having a great week and are continuing to let God have more and more of your Heart / Soul / Mind / Strength. As I said before, please let us know if you experience success or simply need encouragement during the week. You can do that either through this blog, by way of the website ( or by emailing me (

For those taking this as a class, here are your assignments for the week:

1. Continue reading "48 Days To The Work You Love" - Chapters - 6 & 7
2. Write out a resume (you can find examples in the back of the book) and bring it to class.
3. Complete previous "homework" assignments that have yet to be completed (see previous blogs or podcast)

Have a wonderful weekend! I will be in Franklin, TN tomorrow for a conference on "How to Teach the 48 Days Class" - at the home of Dan Miller (the author to "48 Days To The Work You Love"). I have emailed him about the class and I look forward to speaking to him about it in person. Come next Wednesday to hear all about it!

Class 4

Well we've made it half way! Tonight was our 4th class and as we look at our April 15th end date we realize that we have 4 more to go. We had a great class tonight with very good discussion. We started off with prayer and then dove into Chapters 2 & 3 (our homework from last week). Along the way we discussed what everyone did last week to "raise the slats in their barrels" - if you don't know what that means, listen to the podcast. Then we finished up with the closing questions in Chapter 3.

This week's homework assignment (for those taking the class) is:

* Read Chapters 4 & 5
* Write down your "Heart / Soul / Mind / Strength" Goals for this year, month and upcoming week. Yes, I said WRITE THEM DOWN! :) Then place them somewhere you will see them every day.
Write down an honest assessment of who you are as a person
* Share your success! We want to know if you have success in an area - even if you think it is just a small thing. We want to celebrate with you!

I am praying for all of you as you enter into this week. Continue to make the choice to give God your Heart / Soul / Mind / Strength!

So, How's It Going?

So, how are you doing? Wednesday night we talked about daily things you could do to help "raise the slat in your barrel". Have your tried them? Have they been working? Is the weekend the hardest part of your week or the easiest? I want you to know that I am praying for all of you and I would love to hear some answers to these questions. Also, if you forgot what some of the daily suggestions were from your class members, you can find them on the specific pages of the website (Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength). Have a great day and remember the choice is up to you!

Personal Testimony from Scott Grey

I am a college friend of John and he asked me to share with you my journey. I am currently 34 yeras old and I weigh 370. Three weeks ago I weighed 385. I have been over weight all my life and about a month ago I decied to change my life. I have tried every thing to lose the weight and become healthy. BUt in the past I always looked for the quick fix. I tried all the diet pills and latest workout machines and they would last for a few weeks and I would lose heart. But I have now come to understand that if the weight is gonna come off it will be through hard work and a passion to get healthy. My goal is to lose 130 pounds and I will do it!!If I can inspire any of you to change your life I would give you a few suggestions aboout weight loss.1. Don't do it alone.. Find some that will join you on your journey and help keep you on track.2. Your gonna be hungry and that is ok. But that dosent mean that you have to eat every time. In the begining to need to retrain your body.3. The first few weeks of your diet will be key for your suddcess or falure. But if you were like me, eating all the wrong things and to much of them, you will feel the diffrence if you keep to your program. I am amazed at the energy that I have now! Each night that I get 7 or more hours of sleep I am jumping out of bed in the morning. 4. Find ways to exersise in your daily life. My home is about 2 miles form my office. When i go home for lunch on wendsday I will walk back to work. 5. Water, Water, Water....I could go on but I think that you get the point. If you want to be healty to need to work at it. Just like our Christian life, if we want to stand out for Jesus we have fight what the world is feeding us.

Our Second Class

Well, we had our second class last night - what a great turn out! We have 16 people who are going to be taking the class + 2 Online members. Our members are:

1. Heather
2. Karen
3. Curt
4. Tegan
5. Aaron
6. Michael
7. Wes
8. Delilah
9. Adam
10. Nicole
11. Jenny
12. Bryan
13. Brandon
14. Lynet
15. Jeff
16. Tyler

1. Joey
2. Tegan
If you missed class, here were a few questions you need to answer this week (also, read chapter 1 before next Wed.):

1. What was I born to do?
2. What would be my greatest contribution to others?
3. What do I really love to do (and when I'm doing it, time just flies by)?
4. What are the recurring themes that I find myself drawn to?
5. How do I want to be remembered?
When asked what you want to get out of the class, here were a few of the answers:

Direction / Get to know myself better / Have a better understand about what I want out of life / Improve my quality of life / See myself as God sees me / Find myself again / Gain wisdom / Break the chains... Is your reason not listed? Comment and let us know why you want to be a part of "1 Life Your Choice".

How Do You Show Love?

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1 Life Your Choice exists to help others experience the “abundant life” Christ came to give by focusing one’s Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.

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