
Hello! My name is Jonathan Absher, founder/creator of "1 Life Your Choice". A husband, father, pastor - God has truly blessed my life. I have a passion for helping others see themselves as Christ sees them; and then showing them how He calls us to give all of ourselves to Him. As far as activites, I love sports. Whether it is playing a pick-up game of basketball, going to the gym for a quick workout, or my new hobby of sprint triathlons - I'm up for just about anything. If you want to know more, just stick around; I try to make sure all of my posts come from the heart, speaking out of personal experiences. If that's not enough, call me - I'm always up for a cup of coffee.


1 Life Your Choice exists to help others experience the “abundant life” Christ came to give by focusing one’s Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.

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