Class 5

At the risk of sounding redundant, we had a great night last night! While we were down a little in attendance, the conversation and discussions were still captivating. We started off reviewing chapters 4 & 5, with discussion naturally flowing to our goals (what they are and how we are planning on achieving them). We then turned to the rest of our "homework" and had people read their Self Evaluations. This was a great time of really seeing how others see themselves - very interesting.

I hope all of you are having a great week and are continuing to let God have more and more of your Heart / Soul / Mind / Strength. As I said before, please let us know if you experience success or simply need encouragement during the week. You can do that either through this blog, by way of the website ( or by emailing me (

For those taking this as a class, here are your assignments for the week:

1. Continue reading "48 Days To The Work You Love" - Chapters - 6 & 7
2. Write out a resume (you can find examples in the back of the book) and bring it to class.
3. Complete previous "homework" assignments that have yet to be completed (see previous blogs or podcast)

Have a wonderful weekend! I will be in Franklin, TN tomorrow for a conference on "How to Teach the 48 Days Class" - at the home of Dan Miller (the author to "48 Days To The Work You Love"). I have emailed him about the class and I look forward to speaking to him about it in person. Come next Wednesday to hear all about it!



1 Life Your Choice exists to help others experience the “abundant life” Christ came to give by focusing one’s Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.

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