The Grass Is Greener on The Other Side... Or So I Have Been Told.

Have you ever caught yourself believing the grass is greener on the other side? I know I have. And I know I am not alone; this has been a weakness of people since the beginning of time. Because of its universal understanding, many people have responded to this statement over the years; There is a proverb that says "The grass may be greener on the other side, but you still have to mow it." How true that is! There have also been the comical jabs like, "...and when there are dogs on both sides of the fence it just turns yellow eventually anyway." However, my all-time favorite quote, when it comes to the other side of the fence is - "The grass is greener where you water it." Today I would like to spend just a couple of moments speaking to you about watering the grass.

As I write this it is overcast and rainy outside; in fact, the weekly forecast in my area is "shower's likely". I won't be needing to water my grass anytime soon. Yet what happens in nature rarely makes its way into everyday life. The things in our lives rarely get "watered" for us. Our relationships, our work environments, our spiritual walk, our nutritional goals, rarely grow or improve unless we take deliberate action. We have to water!

Yet as soon as we start watering, it seems our human nature draws us to look over the fence. We see the new exercise equipment or diet fad on T.V. and are ready to jump over the fence to get it. We run from church to church, from seminar to seminar, seeking that next great spiritual insight that is going to bring us joy and fulfillment. We can never concentrate on the career we are in because we are always more concerned with those around us who seem to be getting partial treatment. We only look at the faults in our spouse and are ready to jump the fence at the first sign of a better option. Does this sound logical? Yet it happens everyday.

How many marriages have you seen destroyed because of "the other side of the fence" mentality? How many employees have you seen frustrated in their work environments? How many church-goers have you seen who are always complaining about their church and pastor, no matter which one they are a part of this month? How many unhealthy people have you seen with basements full of every late-night physical fitness equipment ever advertised? The other side of the fence; this mentality can be devastating, or at best, bring a depressing discontentment. These people have yet to realize the value of "watering their grass". They have failed to understand that until you decide to make the best of where you are, true contentment is always going to elude you.

Have you taken time to water the areas of your life - your relationships, work environments, spiritual walk, health? If not, stop day-dreaming over the fence and begin creating a better yard for yourself today!

Do you have any tips on how you have created a healthier yard in your life? If so, tell us about it in the comment section below. I will be publishing a "Tips on Watering" Post in the near future.



1 Life Your Choice exists to help others experience the “abundant life” Christ came to give by focusing one’s Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.

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