Motivation - Have You Had Your Daily Allotment?

There is an old saying that goes - "7 apples on Sunday is not the same as an apple a day." Isn't it interesting how we try and "store up" things in our life in lumps rather than daily allotments? We try to exercise really hard one day a week to make up for not getting to the gym each morning. We try to read the entire Bible in one sitting to make up for not having daily devotions. We try to cram a year's worth of "family time" into a one week vacation. We get motivated once and expect it to last us for the year. If this describes you, know that you are not alone. We all face the temptation to either "store up" or "make up" the good things in life. This is what John Ortberg calls "The Manna Principle." However, we quickly realize that God will provide for us one day at a time; there is no way to cheat the system. We must do the right things consistently in order to experience the true blessings they bring.

While I could elaborate on many of the things above, I want to focus in on motivation. Zig Ziglar, one of my favorite motivational speakers, says that "motivation is much like bathing, one should do it often." How wise those words are. I used to think that having to be continually motivated was a sign of weakness. However, the older I get and the more people I am around, the more I realize that those people in my life who are truly successful, are ones who surround themselves with motivation. This shows itself in many forms, from the people in their inner circles, to the books they read, to the things they listen to, to their daily habits; but each one is not ashamed to be motivated daily. Why? Because they have realized that seeking out those things that build one up, should be a daily practice.

Yet remember this is not a new idea. As we spoke before, it is the "Manna Principle" in effect. Christ reinforced this principle when teaching the disciples how to pray; he told them to: "Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Did you catch it? Our "daily bread". While this can obviously mean our physical food, I believe it can also have a deeper meaning. The good things in our life that build us up, not only with physical strength, but with mental, spiritual and relational health, should be sought after on a daily basis.

The Israelites quickly discovered storing up the manna was not an option, for it only lasted a day and then began to spoil. And we quickly discover that motivation falls into the same category. Don't be ashamed that you have to listen to motivational tapes daily. Don't be ashamed that you read the Word and find encouragement from it on a daily basis. Don't be ashamed that you have to watch a "Rocky" movie everyday just so that it will inspire you to get to the gym (unless it's Rocky V). Just do it and be prepared for others to begin asking you how you stay so positive and motivated to do the things you do.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jon! I needed this motivational moment on this "manic Monday!" I can't wait 'till your next word of wisdom!


1 Life Your Choice exists to help others experience the “abundant life” Christ came to give by focusing one’s Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.

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